I realized something today. I was thinking of what to write, and how to make it sound interesting. That's when it struck me - my life isn't that interesting at the moment. There is no way I could write interesting things for readers if I were to write only about my life. Like a personal blog.

Still that's sort of what I want. I need a place to write, a place to throw up my words on.

At the moment? I'm just sitting here, listening to Regina Spektor (I'm so pretto) and writing. I don't feel like playing WoW (really!?), I don't feel like cosplaying (even though my materials arrived today), I don't really feel like doing anything. So I write. Tomorrow is Midsummer Eve, and I'll be going to my boyfriends place for a party. Fun I suppose, but then? I'll go back to work. My very relaxed and not-very-job-like job as a project leader for my town's Sweet Art group. At least I get money. Which I will spend on travelling. But then what? What happens after that? I don't know.

I'm in that mood. The mood where I usually go out for a walk and sit on a rock on a hill for two hours and stare into the sky with music in my ears. Funny how I don't see it as a waste of time.

Right, so this was a depressing and pretentious post. Never mind, I just need to get it out of my head. It's no biggie. Hopefully tomorrow will be better? I have no idea to be honest. I just feel... sad, I suppose.

It's the music. It has a way of affecting me.

Funny, I don't seem to be able to stop writing today. It feels so good, like I could write forever. Just emptying my head. My hands are writing words without any real meaning, and my head isn't even involved. What am I supposed to do? I feel a little bit lost. So many people, things and relations to keep track on, and I'm just playing it off. Not caring much.

Anyway, kudos to anyone who actually read this vomit. There will probably be more, but hopefully with some funnier posts in between.

I'll just keep throwing up my words as usual.

I'm playing around with a new design atm. We'll see how it turns out!