Bloody talk about Christmas now, probably cause the blog is new and I want to fill it. Will have funnier updates within the nearest future. As I had predicted, talking with E helped a lot. I love him. Thinking of wishing my guildies a happy Christmas now, and then go to bed. Am tired and tomorrow's gonna be a big day. I just realised as well that I can probably keep blogging with my cellphone - God bless Androids. So, Merry Christmas everyone! Have a good one.

Why on earth am I feeling Christmas Sadness?
I feel sentimental and down. That's just weird to me, since I'm a person who usually enjoys Christmas to booth.
If I could choose, right now I'd like to be
  1. ...sitting with my family.
  2. ...with my boyfriend.
  3. a good mood.
It's like, sitting here on my own makes me so sad. And I know I shouldn't even sit here, I have so much wrapping to do, so many rhymes to write. Totally hopeless.

Ah well. Gonna call E in a minute, hopefully he can cheer me up :3

No wait. I just listened to a very good song. Fairytale of New York. Totally cheered me up! Yay Christmas!

Speaking of Christmas... It's due tomorrow, because in Sweden we celebrate on Christmas Eve and not on Christmas Day. Have no idea why I just wrote that, since I will have no followers already by my second post, but it doesn't really matter.

I'm in a strange mood, wanting to play World of Warcraft, but having this urge to go finish wrapping my presents...uuuuurk.....

Must...resist....log in.... no...go back... Zazaji, log in ... no... resist.....

So, I heard Blogspot was the place to hang? We'll soon find out I suppose. Starting this blog the day before Christmas Eve is yet another attempt to create an active blog which I will constantly write in. Hopefully this one will work better thatn the others.